Placencia Tour Photos
Please take to time enjoy the photos of the tours we have to offer in Placencia.
Snorkeling the Turtle alley at Silk Caye, Laughing Bird Caye Snorkeling, lionfish hunting or simply enjoying the islands.
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- Placencia Village
- Scuba Diving
- Snorkeling
- Islands
Beach in Placencia Belize
diving in Belize
snorkel tours with turtle
lionfishing on reef
queen cayes
girl snorkeling belize
boats laughingbird caye
scuba placencia
gulls at silk cayes
snorkeling in belize
Group scuba diving at a dive site on the barrier reef
man of wars mangroves
diving in Belize
Placencia dive shop
laughingbird caye placencia
scuba diver with go pro
Green iguana
scuba Diver looking at angle fish
placencia wildside boat
monkey river side
monkey river boatride
turtles placencia
lionfish in coral
bird at riverside
scuba diver
night shorkeling placencia